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  • Do I need a doctor's referral in order to make an appointment?
    Physiotherapists are first line practitioners in South Africa. This means that we are able to diagnose and treat conditions. Therefore, a referral from a doctor is not required to start physiotherapy.
  • What should I bring to the appointment?
    Please bring comfortable clothing (such as a loose top and shorts), all relevant xrays and scans and a list of all medications you may be taking to the appointment.
  • Are there any forms that I will need to complete?
    Yes. New patients will need to complete a detailed form including a consent form on our electronic database. There will be a link in the email confirming your appointment that needs to be filled out prior to the appointment.
  • How long are appointments usually?
    All of our sessions are one hour in length.
  • How are you keeping me safe?
    Your safety is of utmost importance to us. No patients will be seen if they have the following symptoms, especially in combination: fever, dry cough, unusual fatigue and a history of being in contact with a confirmed case of COVID19 in the last two weeks. If you have these symptoms, please reschedule or alternatively book for a home visit. Upon entry, you will need to fill out a screening form and your temperature will be measured and recorded. The treatment rooms are sanitised between patients. The therapist will be using appropriate PPE (personal protective gear) and this will depend on the condition being treated.
  • Is a internal vaginal exam required?
    If you are coming for anything pelvic floor related, I am going to be looking at your posture, assessing your tummy muscles for any separation, and ideally doing an internal examination to assess your pelvic floor. The internal exam is to check for any evidence of a prolapse, to palpate the muscle bulk, to grade your pelvic floor muscle strength and check for any trigger points or muscle spasm in the muscles. Your initial examination is likely to be an internal vaginal examination. The internal examination is not compulsory. A vaginal examination is performed with you lying on your back with your knees bent, and I place 1 lubricated gloved finger inside your vagina. I don’t use a speculum like they do for a pap smear, it is more like the assessment that your Dr or midwife would have done on you when checking how dilated you were in labour. Please don't worry if you would rather not have an internal at your first session. There is lots that that we can do without an internal!
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