Kayla Figueiredo
Edenvale, Johannesburg
010 157 4281
How can we help you?
Let us help you find lasting relief for your pelvic pain, urinary & bowel conditions, prenatal and postnatal issues, neck and back pain.
Conditions that we treat:​
Pregnancy and Postpartum Care
Pelvic Organ Prolapse
Urinary Incontinence
Pelvic Pain Conditions
Urinary Symptoms
Gut & Bowel Health
Core or Pelvic Issues
Neck and Back Pain

What can we help you achieve?
We believe that you should be able to do activities that you love and not worry about pain, leaking urine or your organs falling out.
You don't have to live with your pain.
Walking isn't the only exercise you can do after having a baby. You can run if you want to.
Your body isn't broken if you have a pelvic organ prolapse.
You can change your mummy tummy into a strong, functional core unit.
Our Tariffs.
Our practice is cash based and we charge medical aid rates. All accounts must be settled in full after the treatment session through credit card facilities. We do not accept cash on-site.
Your account statement will be emailed to you after each session. You may submit this to your medical aid for reimbursement purposes.

How have our clients been helped?
She is an excellent Physio who is so committed to every aspect of her patients’ healing, and has so much knowledge to share.
I find my sessions with her to be professional, thorough, informative, and even fun! I always leave with a better understanding of my body and well equipped for daily home care.
Kayla is the first pelvic floor Physio that has helped me see the light at the end of the tunnel. First time I have felt confident enough at gym to lift heavy without worrying if I am going to leak. She is highly recommended.
Kayla was instrumental in diagnosing my problem (when no one else could) and through a series of visits helped me immensely in recovering and restoring my sense of well being.
I’m very grateful that I found her at a time when I was despairing of feeling comfortable ever again.
Our Team.
Meet the team that is ready to walk your pelvic health journey with you. We are each motivated to partner with you to help you become your best.
Let us help you thrive.

Practice Owner


Virtual Receptionist